Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bathing With Zeus

Whew, okay.  I'm finally done with Hercules vs Sergios.  I ended up liking the alternate ending so much, I didn't realize I was already at 17 panels!

Thanks for sticking with me throughout this series -- though I'm sure some of you are ready for me to move on to another.  Rest assured, I will in time!  I just need a bit of time to unwind first.

But in the meantime, muscle daddy Zeus will be here to invite you into his bath for a good soak... among other things.

Take it easy, guys.  See you soon.



  1. Excellent Series
    Looking forward to your next one

  2. WOW. I'd forgotten this was the *alternate* ending! Amazing work... as usual. Rest well. Looking forward to what you imagine next!

  3. can you show Zeus vs Poseidon thunder v swather

    1. That sounds like a good pairing. I'll make a note of it to try sometime in the future.
