Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween! (2015)

Halloween is my favorite holiday (and time) of the year, and I hope that yours is great and full of sweet treats and spooky muscle studs.

I went a bit darker than usual with these, so if implied head-choppery or a little smeared blood grosses you out too much, then feel free to skip this set!


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Patreon: October's Upcoming Story

Hey, guys, I hope that your October is going well!  I've recently posted quite a bit of work over at my Patreon for the first half of October and am currently waist-deep in work for the rest of it.

I wanted to share the first two panels of the big story (top reward tier) for this month, a direct sequel of The Eye of Zethimia (a smaller image set from September) where Zeus goes to rescue Hercules from the orcs and winds up doing battle with Overlord Krag himself.


Find this (and much more!) soon at

Thanks for all your support!  I appreciate it greatly.

P.S. -- I'm hoping to do something for Halloween this year for you guys (meaning, for the blog, etc) if time permits.  I'll work hard to think of something nice. :)

If you guys have any suggestions for that, feel free to leave your comments here.  I always enjoy reading them.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Patreon Reward: 2015-08 Single (Pack 2)

The blog versions of August's Patreon rewards, funded by my awesome and generous patrons, are now available for everyone!  Included here are Apollo vs Ares; Axel's Motorcycle; Black and Blue; and Kadar, Son of the Ifrit.

This is the second pack of images from August 2015.

Thanks and enjoy!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Patreon Reward: 2015-08 Single (Pack 1)

The blog versions of August's Patreon rewards, funded by my awesome and generous patrons, are now available for everyone!  Included here are Orcs and Ogres, Summer Studs, and Zeus Spanks Ares!

This is the first pack of images from August 2015.

Thanks and enjoy!