Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Hjalmar is one of the human men of the world under the threat of the snakemen.  He, along with other newcomer, Vali (who will be seen in the near future), co-star in the story with Ylandarr.

I wanted a rugged, bearlike man in Hjalmar.  He's a stud who would enjoy getting down in the dirt and wrestling any and all challengers to a squirming, moaning defeat.  Hjalmar particularly loves to kiss his opponents immediately after getting a submission from them, taking their breath away as his strong, meaty fingers roam toward their backside in search of his prize.

I'm still working out Hjalmar's purpose in the tale, but he's a deeply proud man who has a complex relationship with Ylandarr -- one that gets even more complicated with the advent of Prince Naja.


  1. Face to you I recommend a site in wix is easy to put on and has several plans and gives to put on record without pay to other sites

    1. Thank you for the suggestion! I've gotten a lot of that part done already, but I appreciate it anyhow. :)

  2. I say thank you for their series continue with the good work!

  3. I'd love for this guy to teach me how to wrestle. Also, I hope by dirty, that means we teaches me through mud wrestling.

  4. Looks great, as always.

    I have a question ... if I post the Destiny of Superman story on my Tumblr, can I use your images, I mean the ones you created specifically based on it? I haven't tried posting images in a Tumblr story, but I assume it can be done. I think they'd add to the experience, but wanted to make sure you're cool with it.

    1. Thanks very much! And absolutely, that's just fine by me, man. :) I'd be honored if you did.

      I think there's a hard image limit per Tumblr post, but it's at least 10, so that image set should be fine. Then again, I've not done a hybrid text+image post before, so it's uncharted territory for me. I'm sure it's workable, though.

      For anyone reading this and curious, Mindsweeper has his own Tumblr page at if you'd like to take a look at his great hero stories and photomanips.

  5. Hot stuff! I always did horny men :P

  6. hope to see this man submit to others also even his son.

    1. Thanks for your comment! It takes a big stud to bring down Hjalmar -- unless he's feeling submissive that day. *grin*

  7. I'd love for Hjalmar to "wrestle" me into submission. I'd kiss him, and his "hot rod", very much.

  8. I wouldn't mind wrestling, and submitting to, Hjalmar. I'd even suckle his sexy tits while we're at it.
