Thursday, January 25, 2018

Patreon Assortment

Hey, guys! Here's a small assortment of images I made for my patrons early last year. These were used to make a new (and still current) banner over at my Patreon. I'll have the next meatier post soon. Enjoy!


  1. Looks like from this pic, the slave trader-king has set Hercules free... has tamed/conquered him enough, and trusts him now not to want to run away. That Herc willing wishes to remain, and mate together. Regularly.
    They are a relatively super-twined match in all respects; couldn't help but be crazy about each other.

  2. Always something hot =) up the good work. Looking forward to bc2 =)

    1. Thanks, man. :) Always appreciated. I'm working on the text/bubbles/onomatopoeia/postwork now. About halfway done with that.

  3. I would love it, VERY MUCH, to have both Ares and Hercules declare a "sex war" on me. Their ravaging me for all time between their divine sexiness would keep in in blissful AWE.
